Part 9: A voice from beyond!!!!!!!

The encounter of this chapter is related to my Aunt. So I would like to dedicate this chapter to her.
Thank you, Mahi for being such a wonderful person. You are the only person after my Ma who had selflessly cared for me.
So here begins the story……
(The narrator of the story is my Aunt)

My maternal home is situated in a village near Golaghat town. My aunt had lived there her entire life. There is a large verandah in front of the house and similarly large vegetable garden behind it. The family income comes from farming. My uncle owns a large land where rice is mostly cultivated.
My aunt adored me and sometimes would call out my name when she heard me near her room.
A few days later after her demise, I decided to use her room to teach young kids of the village. The room needed some change. I decide to change the color of the room and put up some posters of animals and birds to teach the children. In order to cut costs, I decided to do it myself and dragged my younger brother too to help me with the room.
We first began with coloring the walls of the room. I decided to color it baby pink and put up some wall posters of famous cartoons.
When we were finally done with the coloring, the sun was about to set. There was an absolute silence all over the place. I decided to put up the animal and bird posters next day.
As we were doing the final touch up, I heard someone call out my name.
The sound of the voice petrified me. I have heard that voice before. It was the same voice that called me when I was young. It was my late aunt’s voice!

I looked at my brother and asked,”Did you hear that?”
“Yes! I heard it too”, he replied.
I could clearly see the terror on his face.

We took whatever we could and left the room in a hurry. My heart was beating wildly as I left the house. Finally, when I reached home, I felt a sense of relief…………

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